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About Us

We provide engaging Solutions for Better Business.
Take your Business to the Next >>> Level and Flourish for Life ...

Web Design & Development | E-Commerce Solutions

What we do: Our team of experienced Digital Website Designers create visually stunning and engaging websites that communicate our client’s values and help grow their business through lead generation and online sales and help Market their Products.

We use top open source languages to meet your requirements and develop the functionality you need at a reasonable cost and with a decent expectation of maintainability and extensibility.

  • Robust - Dedicated - Secured
  • Cloud - Connected - Services
  • Web Server - Email Servers - Custom Designed Solutions

We truly know how to design your Ecommerce website to convert your visitors into customers. We specialise in web design and development, app design and development, Cloud hosting solutions and services. We have many years’ experience in designing, developing and managing all types of websites, from a simple basic informative website through to full-fledged e-commerce solutions. Please check our services we offer for you. We use different technologies to provide secure, reliable and a cost effective solution. Fusion web design is a customer-centric company, get deep into understanding our customer fundamental needs as part of our relationship management efforts.

Product Featuress

Website Design & Development

We design and develop your website with an innovative approach that helps businesses driving more traffic and revenue streams. The developmental stage is the point where the web site itself is created. At this time, your web designer will take all of the individual graphic elements from the prototype and use them to create the actual, functional site.

Logo & Animation Design

We design your website with an innovative approach that helps you driving more traffic and revenue streams. Target audience is one of the key factors taken into consideration. Our web design service aligning the style with the business brand, importance of first insight, usability along with the content, GUI response on different browsers and smart phones, high conversion rate, SEO friendly, etc.

Cloud Services

We offer Web and email Hosting services across the largest web hosting providers. We offer solution design, setup and hosting, support and management. We are experienced with many reliable and secure hosting providers such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Digitaloceans, RackSpace, GoDaddy, etc.

E-Commerce Development

We offer Online store and Ecommerce services and solutions. We offer and recommend multiple Ecommerce providers based on the customer requirements. We work on your store design, structure, quality, speed and reliability to optimize your online presence, Increase the checkout conversion rate and help the search engines to rank your business high.

Website Hosting, Support & Maintenance

Protect your investment with a managed website solution.

Premium Business Website Hosting, Support & Maintenance

At Bytenetics, we do more than just provided lightning fast and reliable website hosting, we provide professional website support & maintenance for hundreds of businesses World-wide.

We focus on the design to provide all necessary information within a single page to boost the checkout rate. More than 40% of Online stores looses sales because of lack of information provided or because of the bad website user experience. We work on the checkout process by encouraging your customer to take the deal and continue to checkout with minimum steps and efforts. To Increase the conversion rate, we focus on presenting the required details, information and delivery terms needed at the right place. We work on simple and easy guest checkout, multiple payment options, autofill user details and high website performance.

Lightning Fast Website Hosting

We proudly offer Next Generation Google Cloud Platform Premium Tier Hosting, placing our clients at the cutting edge of hosted WordPress technology. The only solution for professional businesses wanting to experience the very best in hosting performance and reliability.

For smaller business, we also offer business-grade shared hosting, ideally suited to small brochure websites.

Our client’s love our reliable ongoing Support & Maintenance. They know they can email, call or even pop into our office for professional advice, support and assistance.

Website Maintenance: Technical Updates, Boostrap & Plugin Updates

Up-to-date software is paramount to the security and performance of every website. We take care of the hassles for you with scheduled updates for all your Websites, Plugins & Themes to ensure every website runs smoothly and securely.

Our 360 degree approach to security practices include network firewall protection, nightly backups, software updates and our commitment to resolve any issue that may arise in a timely manner.

The Google Cloud Platform allows us to employ the very best technology. The Next Generation Infrastructure ensures our system always has the latest framework versions installed and up to date.

Need a customized solution?

Do you need more website assistance than what is included in our plans?

Here at ByteNetics we can tailor plans to suit your businesses needs & requirements. Contact us today! We are here to listen to you and provide you with the best possible solutions for your business.

Cloud Computing & Networking Platform

Learn more about our Cloud Platform features.

Google Cloud Platform Premium Tier

Our Professional and Ecommerce plans are powered by the highly reliable Google Cloud Platform’s “Premium Tier” network. Interconnected over their 24 global data centres, it is designed for fast and secure website hosting.

DDoS Detection

The Google Cloud Platform features best in class DDoS attack detection. Our system will detect any DDoS attack directed at your website and alert us to it.

CDN (Content Delivery Network)

Our clients can benefit from Google Cloud’s 24 global data centres which position your site’s content such as images, CSS and JavaScript closer to your visitors for faster load times.

Enterprise Website Firewall

Our system has hardware firewalls, active and passive security, and other features to prevent access to your secure data. The bottom line is your website is monitored and secured 24/7.

Self-Healing Technology

Our system checks the status of your PHP service every minute. If your PHP has gone down, our platform will automatically attempt to start it back up.

Hack and Malware Removal

To help prevent hacks, our server software is always up to date and constantly monitors events network-wide. Any suspicious activity can be investigated and dealt with.

Uptime Monitoring

For peace of mind, our system checks the status of all websites every 2 minutes to ensure they are online.

Server Level Caching

We employ full page caching at the server-level to deliver your website content virtually instantaneously to your visitors.

Network Platforms Partners


Did you know? Every ByteNetics website is Search Engine Optimised so it has a great chance of being found online. You can also edit and improve your SEO and track your website statistics.

PHP Workers

  • Our system provides 10 PHP workers per website which are used to execute the code on your WordPress site. These allow for multiple requests to execute simultaneously.

SSL Certificate

  • As part of our service we include Encrypt SSL certificate which enables HTTPS on your website for added security.


What makes the perfect business website ...

Did you know? Our websites are known for having beautiful, clean design and excellent functionality.

  • It takes just 3 seconds to form an opinion about your business purely based on your website. In a world where appearance is everything, make your first impression count with a visually engaging home page.

  • Are your users experiencing a positive navigational journey? It’s important someone can easily navigate to all the pages and articles within your website in under three clicks via a simple to use menu which can be easily located at all times.

  • Is your website being found by Google when someone searches for a business like yours? If not, you’re missing out on your share of the marketplace. It’s absolutely crucial to be found on Google with a website rich with keyword content and fully utilising SEO friendly page titles, keywords and meta descriptions.

  • Does your business communicate to an existing network of clients via Social Media? Perhaps personally you are not on Social Media, but your business should be! More importantly users should easily be able to use ‘share buttons’ on your website to share your business with their network of friends/contacts helping keep you top of mind and assisting you to expand your immediate network.

  • More users are accessing the internet on Mobile devices than on desktop computers. A website not only needs to be accessible on mobile devices but it needs to be easy for the user to read and navigate with one finger. Give it a try! The future is here to stay and these facts are hard to ignore.

  • Have you ever thought about what happens once a user lands on your website? Just remember you should be in control and your website should guide your user through a clear flow of content, images and links ultimately leading them to contact you from any page within your website.


Be proactive in communicating to new/existing clients via E-marketing on a regular basis. Every business should have a E-marketing database and a website form is a fantastic way of collecting email addresses.

London - Toronto - Singapore
New York - CapeTown - Brisbane


+1 (925) 257 - 4270